
Doctors Against Racism and Antisemitism (DARA) is a grass roots organization of health care professionals whose activities are directed at upholding human rights in the medical realm specifically and academic environments generally.

We seek to educate health care professionals regarding human rights abuses, and address examples of racism and/or antisemitism in our professional associations and in academia.

Our goals are to support global knowledge-sharing by medical and scientific communities by opposing boycotts of academics based on nationality, race or religion. We are committed to monitoring and responding to articles promoting racial or geopolitical bias in scientific journals, at medical conferences, and on university campuses.

We also strive to protect health care professionals and their patients when states and organizations seek to interfere with their rights to access health care.

DARA will pursue these goals in concert with like-minded organizations both nationally and internationally.

To learn more about DARA and becoming a member, click here.