Calls to Action

Social Work Petition

August 15, 2022

Dear DARA member,

Our social work colleagues require signatures on a petition which urges the inclusion of the study of antisemitism in the social work curriculum while other forms of prejudice are being taught. They face many obstacles, as detailed in this recently published article, ‘The Inclusion Delusion': Confronting antisemitism in social […]

By |August 15th, 2022|Calls to Action|Comments Off on Social Work Petition

Open Letter on Antisemitism to The Dean of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine

Click HERE for the full open letter

By |March 9th, 2022|Calls to Action|Comments Off on Open Letter on Antisemitism to The Dean of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine

CPSO Submission – Social Media Policy

The DARA Board of Directors met with representatives of the CPSO this morning to discuss our concerns regarding the dramatic escalation of anti-Jewish racism in the medical realm. This, together with our written submission, will hopefully have an impact on the CPSO’s soon-to-be announced new policy regarding social media posts.

This is the letter subsequently sent […]

By |August 26th, 2021|Calls to Action|Comments Off on CPSO Submission – Social Media Policy

Demand Action from U of T

On March 23, 2021, we listened to what Jewish students, staff and faculty at the University of Toronto have been experiencing. Now, they are asking us all to take action on their behalf.

At an unprecedented town hall event, supported by 34 communal organizations and synagogues from all the major religious denominations of Judaism, a panel […]

By |March 26th, 2021|Calls to Action|Comments Off on Demand Action from U of T

Health Care Professionals Alert

Dear DARA member,

For the past few months DARA has been collaborating with Camera’s new Health Care Group whose mission gels well with our own. This collaboration gives each of us a greater reach and thus a greater influence.

Below please see a communication from Camera Health Care Group with a request for as many of us […]

By |June 13th, 2019|Calls to Action|Comments Off on Health Care Professionals Alert

Doctors’ Abuse by Nicaragua

September 18, 2018

Mr. President of the Republic of Nicaragua

Daniel Ortega Saavedra


The recent mass firings of doctors and other health care workers in your country speak louder than any policy paper or campaign rally could. In one fell swoop, your administration has undermined the gains your country has made towards democracy, self-determination, improved civil liberties, and […]

By |September 18th, 2018|Calls to Action|Comments Off on Doctors’ Abuse by Nicaragua

Turkish Medical Association

Dear Member,In accord with our mandate, please note the letter below protesting the Turkish government’s maligning and unjustified treatment of the Turkish Medical Association.

Please consider sending your personal message of protest as well.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey:
Selçuk Ünal, Ambassador of Turkey:

Thank you.

Kindest Regards,
DARA Executive


February 2, 2018

Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
President of Turkey
06560 Bestepe
Ankara, Turkey

Mr. President Erdogan,

We […]

By |February 2nd, 2018|Calls to Action|Comments Off on Turkish Medical Association

Hold Ryerson Accountable


Two years seems like a long time.

It certainly has been for Rebecca Katzman, who experienced anti-Semitism firsthand at Toronto’s Ryerson University in August 2015.

That’s when staff at the School of Social Work disqualified her choice of placement: UJA Federation of Greater Toronto and the Prosserman Jewish Community Centre.

These very mainstream organizations were, she was told, […]

By |June 8th, 2017|Calls to Action|Comments Off on Hold Ryerson Accountable

Disinvite Linda Sarsour from CUNY Graduation


This week, the City University of New York is scheduled to make a fateful mistake.

The school’s Graduate School of Public Health has invited the pro-Palestinian activist to serve as its commencement speaker.

The gesture is the latest marker of Sarsour’s rock star status in liberal circles, following her highly public role organizing the post-inauguration Women’s March protesting Donald Trump’s election.

But […]

By |May 30th, 2017|Calls to Action|Comments Off on Disinvite Linda Sarsour from CUNY Graduation

DARA Letter Congratulating Turkish Medical Association

Dear Members,

Turkish Medical Association website announcement of decision:
The ATO case dismissed: Medicine for the benefit of humanity in on duty!

The following letter was sent to TMA:

President Bayazit Ilhan
Turkish Medical Association
GMK Bulvarı Ş. Daniş Tunalıgil Sok. No: 2 / 17 – 23

Feb 24, 2015

Dear President Ilhan:

As colleagues in the healthcare professions, the board of Doctors Against Racism and […]

By |February 24th, 2015|Calls to Action|Comments Off on DARA Letter Congratulating Turkish Medical Association