The conference is now open to all advocates. Thank you for sending e-mails and exercising your right to demand equality for all
The following e-mail was sent to DARA on behalf of the founder of Susan G. Komen For The Cure
“Thank you for contacting Susan G. Komen for the Cure. We have new information from our founder, Nancy Goodman Brinker, on this situation. Susan G. Komen for the Cure Pleased to Announce Egyptian Events to Welcome All Advocates, Including those from Israel
Statement from Nancy Goodman Brinker, Founder, Susan G. Komen for the Cure Breast cancer advocates from the United States and across the Middle East are meeting in Egypt from October 21-27 for breast cancer awareness events. There have been reports that some of the invited participants would not be allowed to attend these events. Susan G. Komen for the Cure has now received confirmation that all advocates, regardless of their country of origin, are invited to fully participate in events to bring breast cancer to the forefront of public discussion in the Middle East.
After we received the initial report on the situation, we launched a diplomatic effort to ensure they would be able to participate. I am pleased to report that our efforts led to confirmation that all advocates would be welcome to participate in the events.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure remains steadfast in our mission to save lives and end breast cancer forever.”